Gilmore is a member of Business Network International, better known as BNI, and supports other businesses looking for success to join.

BNI provides a structured environment for the development and exchange of business referrals and helps business owners do so by building personal relationships with many other qualified business professionals.

From BNI Colorado:

“Last year, members of BNI passed millions of referrals that generated billions of dollars of business for each other.  Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of salespeople representing your business, and in return you are representing their businesses. What goes around comes around. If I help you, you’ll help me and we will both benefit as a result.”

Gilmore encourages new or existing members of BNI who are interested in using the organization’s online service, BNI Connect, to check out BNI Colorado’s  upcoming webinar July 23 from 11 a.m.-noon.